Saturday 28 September 2013

Star Wars Episode 1: A Dark Dawn

 So hello everyone, here goes. Lets re-write episode 1, which I shall now call...
 Star Wars Episode 1: A Dark Dawn
 Now lets get into this, these will be written like plot synopsis' since I just don't have the time to write a whole script even though I would love to. This will be the structure that I will follow because this is the structure of Star wars and it worked so well for it. Just a note, this is a very good structure to follow when pacing anything.

 I am going to try and keep the general ideas of the films intact. Enjoy!


Obi-Wan - Ewan McGregor
Anakin - Kellan Lutz
Qui-Gon - Viggo Mortensen
Padme - Emma Stone
Darth Maul - Ray Park
Darth Sideous/Palpatine - Micheal Caine
Mace Windu - Chiwetel Ejiofor


Turmoil has engulfed the
Galactic Republic. The taxation
of planetary governments has led 
to hostility and to the cusp of war.

A patrol of Republic Guard
has been lost on a small moon 
outpost near Utapah,
 a system that has had long 
standing disputes with the republic.

The Supreme Chancellor has
secretly dispatched two  Jedi
Knights, the guardians of
peace and justice in the
galaxy, to investigate the mystery...

Act 1

This starts with a Jedi frigate flying past the screen. We see it fly toward the moon, land on a landing pad and open the ramp. Someone watches this through binoculars on a nearby cliff. Two Jedi walk into a battle scarred outpost and see R Guard massacred all around. One of the Jedi suddenly starts forward to one of the bodies and studies his wounds. He calls his master over and tells him these wounds weren't created by blasters. His master refers to him as Obi-Wan and agrees. Around them we can see droids stirring to life. Obi-Wan studies the wounds while his master notices something is wrong.

They move on and find the security controls. They watch the tapes and see the R Guard slaughtered by unmarked battle droids; they then see a figure coated in black leading them wielding a double headed light-saber... SUDDENLY a squad of battle droids burst in and attack the two Jedi. A bad ass fight scene ensues where we see the combat prowess of the Jedi. They slice through the droids like they are butter (please note that these droids do not talk or crack jokes). During the fight Obi-Wan gets blindsided and is about to be killed by two droids. The droids are shot by an R Guard who bursts in guns blazing.

After the fight the R Guard is revealed to be a woman named Padme who says she watched them land and tried to get here to warn them about the droids. She asks the Jedi's names and is told Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

They get back to their ship to find it wreaked by droids. Padme shows them another ship. The ship is broken and can only get them to Utapah so that is where they head. On the way Obi-Wan and Padme talk about Padme's uniform (she wouldn't be able to wear it on Utapah) and she asks him about his, he reveals he is a Jedi and explains to her about the Jedi order. She scoffs at the force when he tells her about it and he gives her a demonstration, she is amazed. Qui-Gon tells him off for this and tells him that the force isn't a plaything.

Act 2

They land on Utapah and are confronted by four guards, Qui-Gon tells them that the ship needs repairs and waves them off using a Jedi mind trick. As they move away Obi-Wan makes a comment on there being a lot of Utapah soldiers around.

Qui-Gon goes off for parts while Obi-Wan and Padme go to a canteen looking for information on the military presence. Someone walks over to Padme at the bar and starts to flirt with her. He talks about his freighter and other such nonsense. She gets annoyed and goes to knock him on his ass but he stops her punch and pulls her into a kiss. Obi-Wan sparks up his light saber and he pulls out his pistol and they have a standoff.

The man introduces himself as Anakin, holsters his pistol and pulls Obi-Wan into a hug. He says he has always loved the stories that he would hear of the Jedi but has never met one before. They go to a booth and Anakin tells them about a fleet of ships being sighted near hear a week ago. There was talk of them being led by a dark spirit with red lasers for hands. Anakin laughs but Obi-Wan simply says, it was no spirit, it was a Sith.

They head back to the ship and Qui-Gon tells them that there is no chance that this ship can be fixed. Obi-Wan relays what he heard about the droids and Qui-Gon tells him that he heard the same thing. Obi-Wan tells them that they met someone with a freighter who can take them back to the senate.

They arrive back at the bar and Anakin is being held by a Wookie while he is being beaten by another guy. Obi-Wan goes to pull out his light saber but Qui-Gon stops him saying that he senses something about Anakin. Anakin flicks a bar stool into the guy who is beating him and slips the Wookie. He then whips out his pistol and smacks another guy to his left and shoots another in the leg to his right. He spins around ready to shoot the Wookie in the face when Qui-Gon pushes his gun down and pulls him away.

Anakin agrees to give them a lift as he would do anything for his buddy Obi-Wan, and he has a delivery there anyway. As they leave the system we see to ships pull in behind him. They open fire and Anakin pulls a hard right causing one to shoot the other one. He then flips towards the other one and makes it chicken into the others wreckage. Anakin spouts some knowledge about the other ships weapons and that he had that all planned when he is confronted by Padme about that manoeuvre. He beams a smile at her as they beam into hyperspace.

Act 3

We see the freighter zooms out of hyperspace and they are hailed by a security ship and patched through to the senate. They land on the landing pad and head in to talk at an emergency meeting of the senate. On the way there Qui-Gon tells Anakin to stay quiet unless talked to. They enter the senate chamber. SC Palpatine shows interest in Anakin then asks them what they found; Qui-Gon says nothing and puts up the security footage. The whole chamber is awash with gasps of horror at the images they are being shown. At the part with the Sith everyone goes quiet and stares at the Jedi with accusing faces. Qui-Gon introduces Padme and she reports what happened. Then Qui-Gon starts to talk again and tell the senate of the return of the Sith.

In the next scene we see Obi-Wan and Padme walking through the senate building with a guard, Obi-Wan starts talking about the current crisis but Padme interjects and starts swaying the conversation in a different direction. She starts to ask about his personal life and after a minute or two of talking she goes in to kiss him. Qui-Gon suddenly turns up and Obi uses that as an excuse to run away leaving her hanging.

As the two Jedi walk away Anakin walks up behinds her and makes fun of her. She swears at him and walks off. The camera then pulls to a ship that has just come into the system. We follow the ship into a low dock on the senate building. The ramp opens and we see the Sith from earlier walk out and is greeted by none other than SP Palpatine. The Sith simply kneels in front of Palpatine and asks what his bidding is.

Anakin is taken in front of the Jedi council and is presented to Master Windu. Windu looks him up and down and asks him very intuitive questions about his past life. Windu tells Qui-Gon that Anakin cannot be trained in the temple; Qui-Gon tries to argue what Master Yoda would do (mentioning Yoda to build suspense for when he is introduced in Episode 5) but is shut down. Windu tells him that Anakin is too reckless and would become a danger to us all.

Windu senses something is wrong and whips his head around and sees the Sith’s ship barreling towards the temple. The Sith jumps out and it kamikazes into the temple. He rips through the council window and cuts down two Jedi in quick succession before putting his blade up to Qui-Gon, he reveals his name is Darth Maul and that the Sith have risen once again. Maul then kills Qui-Gon and retreats to another passing ship. Windu gives chase and starts to pull back the ship but he is shot at and has to stop.

Obi-Wan is at the Jedi funeral with Anakin, Obi promises to train Anakin in his Masters name.

Act 4

Palpatine and Maul are walking in the bowels of the senate building.  Maul asks why he was asked to attack the Jedi, Palpatine say that it makes the Sith look careless and reckless giving the Jedi a false sense of hope but most importantly it ensured that Anakin would be trained even without the councils permission. He then tells him to go back to the Utapah outpost and set a trap so he can test Anakin’s mettle. He will ensure that the Jedi are there.

Throughout this sentence another scene is super imposed of another meeting where Palpatine tells the Jedi where this Sith has been tracked to. And that he cannot deploy enough R Guard to that area without starting a war. The Jedi agree to go.

We see a hanger scene where Anakin and Padme both enter a ship with a bunch of Jedi to Utapah. Obi-Wan makes Anakin the pilot and settles into a seat next to Padme. She says she’s there to be Palpatine’s eyes and ears to make sure he gets an accurate account of the mission. Obi-Wan apologizes for earlier and she just ignores him.

The ship  comes out of hyperspace to a large amount of fire. Powerful AA cannon are shooting up at them. Anakin pulls the ship into a flurry of swerves and dives to avoid the fire. He places a couple of good shots on the cannons turning them off.

They land and are greeted by a garrison of battle droids who immediately attack. A main squad of Jedi wade into the fight with the droids clearing a path for Obi, Anakin, Padme and two more Jedi to break through.

They enter the command center and are ambushed by more droids, Anakin and Padme hold these up while Obi-Wan and the two Jedi head to fight Maul. They enter the room with Maul in and ignite there light sabers. Maul is looking away on the other side of the room at Utapah. He turns around and welcomes the Jedi and asks them if they have also come to watch Utapah burn. In  the distance we see a republic ship fly towards Utapah and unload on their Capital. Maul jokes that the Jedi's lives where not all that was stolen from Coruscant. After a few salvos the Republic ship is shot to bits by Utapah ships.

Maul and the Jedi start circling the room opposite each other and Maul sparks his light saber and attacks immediately cutting down one Jedi with a low slash. Obi-Wan jumps over him as the other Jedi attacks and is
also killed. Obi-Wan and Maul exchange multiple blows until Mauls blade is cut in half. Maul flips back and blasts Obi with force lightning. Obi is overcome by this as he has never dealt with it before. he is blasted back into the wall, Maul ignites his light saber again and goes to finish Obi when he comes under fire from Anakin and Padme. Maul Deflects a laser knocking the blaster out of Padme's hand. His own saber is then shot by Anakin blowing it in half. Anakin goes to take the shot but his blaster is empty so instead he charges Maul while Padme runs to Obi.

Anakin goes to tackle Maul but is swerved, Maul then knees him in the stomach as he goes past. Anakin responds with a backhand punch that clocks Mauls chin and follows with a quick jab. Maul parries this and rams Anakin into the wall with his spikes, Anakin discombobulates him and knees him in the face. Anakin kicks him in the chest sending him reeling. Maul rolls over to the other half of his light saber and picks it up. He ignites it as Anakin spears him knocking it from his hands. The saber hits a panel which starts an alarm with a voice saying power levels fluctuating, three minutes till critical. Anakin and Maul exchange some more hits until Maul goes to force lightning him. Anakin grabs Maul's fist and points it at Maul's face making him blast himself in his face. Maul runs of down a hallways as the voice gives them thirty seconds. 

Anakin makes the choice to help Padme with Obi to the ship. They get back to find the Jedi killing the last droids. They all get on the ship and see the outpost explode in the background.


Anakin is sitting next to Obi's bedside talking to him. They talk about Padme and Anakin swears off her and gives Obi his blessing. This establishes some much needed bromanship. They then make a mention of whether or not that Sith got away. 

During that sentence the scene fades to Palpatine's office where Maul walks in with a scarred face. He tells him that he failed him but Palpatine says that it was all part of his plan...


 I hope you enjoyed my first re-write and i'll be back with Episode 2 as soon as possible...                                                                                              

Saturday 14 September 2013

Star Wars Overview-My Problems

Here I'm just going to tell you what my main problems in the entirety of Star Wars, please note that they are not all my problem but I am not going to write a list that's as long as the screen play for all three of the Prequels. When I start writing the plot synopsis  for my versions then you will start to understand the rest of my concerns, enjoy!

1. My first problem with the films is that Anakin should not have been 10 when the story started. Being 17+ would have set up a parallel with Luke, make the pod race and subsequent space battle more plausible and make the make the romance less weird and creepy with Portman's character. 
I am also not one of the people who blame good actors for bad roles, and I don't count  Hayden Christensen as a bad actor, but he was given nothing by George Lucas to work with. All his dialogue was stale and sounded like a 3 year old could have written it. This is a running theme throughout the prequels, as Harrison Ford once said to Lucas “You can write this shit George, but you can’t say it.” 
2. Next on my list of concerns are Midichlorines. Making the force a medical condition, nay a parasite even, took the wind out of every sail. Remember when it was an energy force that surrounded us and bound the Galaxy together? Was anyone unsatisfied with that explanation? Because I wasn't,  the Force should not be something you can cure with a dose of Penicillin.

3. Wasn't one of the main concerns of the original trilogy the stupid death of Boba Fett and the beginning of Jedi, possibly the coolest character after Harrison Ford's Han Solo. That character just oozed bad ass and mystery, they could have made a whole film with Boba saying a word and I would have seen it several times, provided there's no Ewoks or Gungans. Actually a film in which Boba Fett and a team of bounty hunters hunt Ewoks and Gungans on some random planet sounds like it is something that I would like to see, as long as it's hard R with lots of blood and Gungan guts and all come together into a scene where Boba Fett beats the shit out of Jar Jar for 10 minutes, anyone?
But back on topic, they make the same mistake again and kill Darth Maul in Menace. Take the 1 new character that is actually several shades of awesome and you punk him out at the end of episode one. Count Dooku was pointless, no offence to Christopher Lee but he really was. All he did was chop off Anakins arm and his death came too quickly. Let's face it, Darth Maul should have been the main villain in these movies. That would've been so much better. Having him killing Qui-Gon, wounding Obi-wan, and then getting away, then plotting a huge campaign against the Jedi  for episode 2 and then having Anakin becoming Vader by slaying him in Episode 3 would have been the cherry on the top. 

4. Stupid creatures and characters, we got those. I don't even have to talk about the Gungans and Jar Jar because you've heard it a million times from a million sources. But what I can talk about are the Ewoks, I didn't like the end of Jedi, not even the original before the changes, because of the stupidity. I would have love the final battle to have been between an army of Wookies and rebels and the Empires spec op's. How cool would that of been? But instead we got a bunch of care bears tea bagging the Empire, it really took me out of the film.

5. Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid were perfect for their roles. PERFECT. But their co-stars weren't as much. Samuel L. Jackson may play a lot of bad ass characters (Nick Fury, Jules etc) but his acting was dull and plain. His character was bad ass, but the acting wasn't. Black Swan has proven to us that Natalie Portman is a very talented actress. But where did that talent go in Star Wars? Apart from that I really had no problems with the original trilogy casting.

6. Darth Vader building one of the droids that he was looking for in a New Hope. Plus he used to own the one who has the plans he’s looking for. It is just another thing that Lucas did to try and connect all the strings between the two trilogies, and it just didn't work. R2-D2 and C3PO should have been kept in the originals where they belong.

7. Yoda should never have been shown in the prequels, only alluded to. This would have made his appearance in Empire all the better.
8. Han shoots first.
9. Love triangle! Anakin was too young for Padme, so she fell in love with Obi Wan. But he saw her only as a princess to be served, not an equal. But Anakin loved her more than life itself, but this is how it should have went, and never understood why she couldn't love him in return. Especially seeing how Obi Wan rejected her. Finally he couldn't stand it and as he became seduced by the dark side he raped Padme, spawning Luke & Leia. Obi Wan sought revenge and that led to their epic battle on the molten planet. (His failure with Anakin, his responsibility) Knowing how the Emperor seduced Anakin, Obi Wan forced Padme to send her son and daughter into hiding but in a way that makes it seem like the kids where his. Heart broken and alone she killed herself like that girl in Last Of The Mohicans.
Hopefully you got a lot out of this and I will Blog again soon,

Sunday 8 September 2013

Intro to my Blog

Hello and welcome to this blog of all blogs... join me as I deconstruct reconstruct aspects of Geekdom in ways that suit me. My first project will be the mess that has became of Star Wars, I will re-write the Prequels and restructure the original trilogy till it makes sense to me and can reinstate itself as the pinnacle of sci fi, in my eyes at least. Other projects that I will be blogging about will include my own web comic series that I am planning and will talk more on later.

Hope you enjoy my ramblings and I hope for large amounts of feedback and don't be shy with the critique,harsh or not,